Giving Online

cropped-st-martins-blueprint-style-drawing.jpgFinancial gifts and contributions can be made to Saint Martin’s Episcopal Church, Chagrin Falls, by visiting the website of the Diocese of Ohio at

Once you have arrived on that page, follow the instructions there by choosing Saint Martin’s (under Designate My Gift) and making your donation. Many thanks in advance for your generosity in supporting our mission and ministry. Thank you also for your diligence in giving during this time of health and safety challenges. May God grant us all grace and peace in this season of continuing challenge. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.

Saint Martin’s Church welcomes gifts from all who feel they wish to support our mission and ministry. Our stewardship embraces the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth: “Freely you have received. Freely give.” God has graciously granted us an abundance of blessings and we seek to give in return out of a grateful generosity. In the words of the time-honored prayer: All things come of you, O Lord, and of your own have we given you.

Time, talent and treasure are the cornerstones of our understanding of giving to the life of the Church. At Saint Martin’s many folks find many ways to give of their time in support of our ministries, as well as applying their skills and personal gifts to areas of need and initiative. Many also support the Church financially through annual pledging (filling out pledge cards each year) and through freewill donations. Designated giving is thankfully accepted from individuals who wish to establish a memorial or thank offering. Interest in this type of donation can be directed to the clergy or our wardens.

If you have a passion for a particular kind of ministry, then please connect with John Cerrato to begin a conversation about heading in that direction. Discernment for ministry is something we take seriously here at Saint Martin’s. It is a community process of exploring where our personal talents and skills might be best used by the Lord. Learning about the needs of our ministry is a first step. Appointments can be made by calling the main number in the church office: (440) 247-7406.

The priests of Saint Martin’s, along with the parish leadership, are very interested in encouraging ministries that will nurture growth: spiritual, personal and parish wide. Two areas of focus are communications with the public, as well as within the parish, and Christian Formation. By Christian Formation we mean the discipleship of our children, youth and adults in effective and ongoing ways. Please see John with inquires about these areas.

May God richly bless you as you consider ways to give in God’s Name.

Pledge Cards

Pledge Cards for the year are available at the church on the entryway tables and through the office. We accept pledges at any time through the year. When you turn in a Pledge, envelopes will be provided for your use in financial giving. These are made available in the church entryway and Burroughs Room.

On the reverse side of the Pledge Card is “Time and Talent Offering,” usable to let us know how you would like to serve in one of our many ministries. Simply circle the areas of interest, turn the card in, and we will contact you.