
217px-Shield_of_the_US_Episcopal_Church.svgThe leadership of the laity is expressed most directly in the governance of Episcopal parishes like Saint Martin’s through the work and contributions of the Wardens and Vestry.

The Vestry meets once a month, except in special cases. The rector chairs the meetings, who also confers with the wardens and an executive committee in advance to set the agenda. Committees of the Vestry include Finance, Property, Communications, Parish Life, Congregational Development, Outreach, Stewardship and other groups.

Vestry elections are held at the Annual Meeting of the parish in January. Our church elects vestry members per year on a three-year cycle.

Saint Martin’s Vestry is currently nine members strong, plus our treasurer and clerk, as well as our clergy. Initiatives have included the the Strategic Planning process, resulting in four areas of focus: Congregational Development, Stewardship, Outreach and Parish Life.

Our current vestry is: Rob Ware, Esq. (Sr Warden),  Amanda Meitz (Jr Warden), Paul Castrini, Bruce Downie,  Karen Gerken, Nancy Horn,  Reed McLellan, and Mark Webster. Our Clerk is Richard Stanley, Esq.  Our Rector is Rev John Cerrato.